Mastering Summer Catfishing: Tips & Techniques

by Gaogao

Tune in for a catfish fishing expedition on the Red River with host Forrest Leitch. While there are numerous ways on how to catch catfish, Leitch catches Goldeye, and prepares them for cut bait. Leitch demonstrates how to chunk the Goldeye into bite-sized pieces, ensuring ideal hook exposure for catching channel catfish.

TACKLE USED (retail links)

This video showcases fishing techniques above an emergent snag or brush pile on the river. While a depth finder aids in locating submerged snags, Leitch emphasizes that it is not a necessary tool, as this type of fishing can be done from canoes, kayaks, or the riverbank. Side imaging, although not essential, allows for identifying hidden snags underwater, which can point out spots other catfish anglers have missed.

Leitch shares insights on optimal bait placement duration, highlighting the catfish’s ability to detect fresh cut bait within minutes. Adaptability is critical in catfishing. Different spots yield varying results, and preferences change with the season. Leitch discusses the river’s physical structure, such as fallen trees, rock piles, and bends, which serve as hiding spots for catfish. Placing rods near the bank, structure, and in the main channel widens the fishing range when locating catfish.

Challenges like tangled lines and lost tackle are common in rivers with obstacles. Leitch advises carrying terminal tackle boxes with extra weights, swivels, hooks, and spare leader line to make additional rigs that can be quickly tied on if you break-off.



McKeon RobertsMcKeon Roberts

McKeon Roberts

McKeon Roberts is a videographer specializing in multispecies angling and kayak fishing. He loves to teach and tell a story through film while exploring and pursuing his lifelong passion for catching fish.

He served as a natural resource professional for six years, working with the limnological and biological aspects of lakes and wetlands across northern Minnesota. This subject matter is often woven into his how-to fishing content, and his love for tinkering with new angling techniques and gear. McKeon enjoys traveling to fishing destinations and playing music in his spare time.

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